Request for Transport

The easiest way to request transport is using our web form. You can also contact us by telephone or e-mail: obchod@veeto.czIn such case it is necessary to state all the parameters of a shipment, so that it can be correctly valued. This means: weight, quantity, dimensions, contents, value, address and postcode of sender and recipient and requested speed of delivery.

Price Offer

We will send you the price for smaller shipments immediately, we reply to most requests within no more than 60 minutes. For larger and more comprehensive types of transport, a more detailed checking and assessment of the options is necessary. We always try to keep a customer informed about the current state of a request. For most destinations we have multiple transport options and after analysing them we will offer the customer a complete solution tailored to his specific needs.  


After approval of the price offered, we will send you a binding order for signature. After receiving it, including all the requested information on a shipment, we will place an order for transport with the selected carrier. We will also send the sender or recipient transport documentation containing the transport AWB (shipment tracking number) and the carriage can be realised right away.

Correctness of Data

It is necessary to state precise data about a shipment. All information about dimensions and weight are always checked by the carrier after collection. This is performed using calibrated devices - certificated scales and a laser - for measuring actual dimensions. If the carrier ascertains discrepancies, it can increase the price for transport. We would then be forced to invoice you a higher price than was originally agreed.

Progress of Transport

We always collect a shipment at the place designated by the customer, in the Czech Republic it is often possible on the same day. In the case of imports from abroad, the date of acceptance depends on the specific destination and its time zone. It also depends on the options for acceptance in the place of dispatch, because some areas may be a long way from the main depots of individual carriers. In the case of some locations, the place of collection may therefore be subject to prior approval between the carrier and the sender. It is also necessary to take into account whether goods subject to customs proceedings and customs documentation needs to be provided by the sender/recipient or not. In most cases, export clearance takes place on the day of collection, but for imports it is necessary to have at least a 24-hour reserve for customs proceedings. We track the course of each shipment in detail and will be in regular contact with you and your foreign partners so that everything goes smoothly. In the event of any problems, we will contact you and agree on how to proceed.


Customs Proceedings

For all exports to countries outside the EU, the issue of an EAD (export accompanying document) with up to 3 customs classification items (types of goods) is free of charge and included in the service price. In the case of the import issue of a SAD (single administrative document), the price can differ slightly depending on the type of carrier, but it is generally max. CZK 500 for documents with up to 3 customs items.

Unless agreed otherwise, customs clearance is always handled by the chosen carrier. Any customs duty and VAT is then assessed by the relevant customs authority and, in the vast majority of cases, invoiced to the customer directly by the carrier. It always applies that the period of customs proceedings (this often concerns, for example, a customs check or delivery of full documentation by the customer) is not included in the transport time. We are in contact with Czech and foreign customers for the entire period of proceedings and monitor the customs process and collection.



We issue an invoice for services after checking the weight and dimensions, i.e. after receiving the actual audited weight from the carrier. For commercial entities we offer as standard payment periods of 14 days, unless individually agreed otherwise with the customer. For private persons or new customers in some cases we may request payment in advance against a proforma invoice. In such case we reserve the right to bill the customer any additional costs arising due to the statement of incorrect data when ordering transport.



A shipment is always insured under the law as a part of the relevant international convention, but this is not all-risk additional insurance, i.e. insurance coverage to the full extent of the goods' value, but only the carrier's minimum statutory liability for 1 kg of cargo. In the case of ground transport, compensation for damage is governed by the CMR Convention and in the case of air transport by the Montreal Convention. Compensation is then calculated in accordance with the current SDR rate, which is available at the Czech National Bank website. This concerns approximately SDR 10 in the case of ground transport and SDR 20 in the case of air transport for 1 kg of cargo weight. It should be mentioned that there are unfortunately many situations these agreements do not cover and material damage cannot then be claimed (cases of force majeure - e.g. war, extreme weather, natural or air disasters, etc.).

To cover the majority of risks, there is all-risk additional insurance, which we always recommend to customers for the carriage of more valuable shipments. Our company works with an insurance company specialising solely in the international transport sector. For this reason, we can also offer individual rates for all-risk additional insurance and agree insured amounts for goods of higher value that are subject to approval by the insurer.



Packing a consignment and correctly marking it is one of the most important criteria for problem-free transport. The quality of packing often determines the result of a complaint about material liability when dealing with the insurance company, so it is essential to pay the relevant attention to this issue. It is therefore always necessary to select packing material that is suitable for the relevant contents of a shipment and can, without problems, withstand the handling of the goods on a carrier's automatic sorting lines or movements and shaking in the cargo space of a collection vehicle or aircraft. It is ideal to use two layers of packing, and quality wrapping material for the empty space between goods and a shipment's outer surface.

In the case of pallets and larger loads there is a requirement for the use of undamaged, quality pallets or supports that enable easy handling using a fork-lift or pallet truck. The actual content of a shipment may not exceed a pallet's area and it is necessary for goods to be taped to a pallet or fixed using shrink film and secured against movement. Pallets must always meet the relevant international regulations. In the case of air transport, pallets must have valid fumigation (heat or chemical treatment of the wood) or it is necessary to use pallets that do not have to be fumigated (e.g. plastic ones). In the case of an unfumigated or damaged pallet or due to inappropriate packing/securing of the load, the carrier may exclude goods from transport. It is subsequently returned to the sender for re-packing. Any additional costs are always paid by the ordering party.

What Can Be Transported

It is only possible to transport safe, inert goods whose transport is not restricted by law, that are not covered by one of the ADR categories for hazardous goods and where there is no risk that it could endanger the driver, means of transport or environment. We can also carry hazardous goods, but this is always subject to approval by the relevant carrier, it depends on the destination and the local statutory restrictions (some countries may prohibit the import of certain goods entirely or permit them only in a certain quantity or after prior approval of import).

It may surprise a number of customers, but hazardous goods also include, for example, perfumes, products with a high alcohol level, sprays containing any compressed gas medium, batteries and equipment containing batteries (such as laptops, mobile phones, electronics with an integrated battery, etc.). If you are not sure whether your goods are in one of the aforementioned categories, request from the goods' manufacturer the material safety data sheet (MSDS), which always precisely defines all the hazard parameters of the relevant product for transport.

It is also not possible to carry goods subject to excise tax, e.g. alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, valuables, precious metals, lottery tickets, precious stones, jewellery, etc. The same applies to medicines, goods subject to spoilage or that need to be in a temperature-controlled environment, live animals, plants, human remains, etc.

If you are not sure whether your goods can be carried, please contact us and we will be happy to advise you about transport options.


We only work with tried-and-tested carriers that meet the strictest international standards and requirements for reliability. We monitor the progress of carriage and try to prevent any unpleasantness. If a problem occurs, we promptly inform the customer of it and try to find a suitable solution to the situation.

It could occasionally happen that carriage is not executed correctly and it is necessary to make a complaint about the service. In such case, please get in touch with us within 7 business days and we will immediately commence complaint proceedings. It is always the case that a carrier has a statutory 30-day period to check and deal with a complaint. However, we try to reduce this as much as possible and a problem is usually dealt with sooner.

If a shipment is damaged, for the successful outcome of a complaint it is very important to immediately record the damage event or enter it in the driver's PDA. When an order is concluded, we therefore always recommend to customers that they check the goods immediately upon acceptance. We also draw a foreign counterparty's attention to this.